
The following is a list of some of the rabbit words or terms, and their meaning, that you will hear and use as long as you are raising rabbits.

AGOUTI - As applied to color, a hair shaft possessing several bands of color, usually slate blue as base, alternating with two or more light and dark rings, then lighter. i.e. Chinchilla, Steel or Grey Flemish.

ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION - Artificial introduction of semen into the generative tract of the female.

BACK - In general, the entire hind portion of the animal above the shoulders, belly, and hips extending from neck to tail. The area covered by the backbone and vertebrae.

BALANCED RATION- A diet consisting of a proper proportion of individual ingredients to provide for growth, production for reproduction.

BARE SPOTS- A section of the animal entirely without fur.

BELL EARS - Ears which have large tips with distinct fall or lop at the ends.

BELLY - The lower part of the body containing the intestines - the abdomen.

BOIL OR ABSCESS - A hard swelling or isolated collection of pus or purulent matter occurring in the rabbit’s skin, accompanied by localized fever and heat.

BOW LEGS -applied to both fore and hind legs. Curved outwardly in the middle at the knee joint. (Bow legged)

BREED -A race of domestic rabbits which reproduce distinctive characteristics of fur color, marking and textures, shape, size, and growth. A breed may be subdivided into varieties. For example, the Black, Blue and Tortoise varieties of the Dutch Breed.

BREEDER -One who breeds or rears rabbits, either purebred, pet, etc.

BREEDING CERTIFICATE - A written certificate by the owner of a stud buck, showing the

pedigree in full and the date of breeding to a particular doe and a history of the bucks past successes in breeding (does bred to, number of young produced) given for the purpose of making proof of the buck’s capabilities.

BROKEN EAR - A distinct break in the cartilage which prevents erect ear carriage.

BUCK - A normal male rabbit.

BULL DOG - As applied to head: a short, board, bold head of pronounced masculine appearance.

CAKED TEATS or CAKED UDDER - Inflamed and feverish condition of the teats arising from super-abundant milk supply in a doe rabbit. Easily noted by the teats being distended and filled with hardened milk.

CANNIBALISM - Doe eating her own young.

CARRIAGE - The mode in which a rabbit bears itself: the style or station of the animal.

CHEEK - The sides of the face from the eyes to the mouth.

CHEST - The front portion of the body between the forelegs and neck, the breast and throat.

CHOPPED OFF - As applied to type - having the back and hindquarters cut off abruptly and falling vertically to the tail.

COBBY - Stout and stocky: short-legged and short-coupled.

COLD - A slight attack of nasal inflammation or milk influenza in rabbits, characterized by sneezing, a thin watery nasal discharge and slightly matted fur on the inside of the front feet.

CONDITION - The physical state of a rabbit in reference to health, cleanliness, texture and molt of fur and grooming.

COPROPHAGY - Practice of a rabbit consuming some of the droppings (soft night feces) direct from its anus.

COW HOCKED - On rear feet, hock joints touching and toes pointing in different directions.

DEAD HAIRS - Similar in appearance to rusty hairs produced (colored varieties) by moulting.

DEVELOPING PERIOD - Rearing period from weaning until production begins.

DEWLAP - A pendulous fold or folds of loose skin hanging from the throat of Does.

DISQUALIFICATIONS - One or more defects, deformities or blemishes which renders a rabbit unfit to win an award in competition or incapacitates it from taking part in an exhibition.

DOE - An unspayed female rabbit.

DOE and LITTER - A female rabbit with suckling young.

DOMINANT - Referring to genes or characteristics of one parent (color of fur, etc.) , that when transmitted to the offspring, covers up the subordinate or recessive characteristics. (Genes)

DRESS OUT PERCENTAGE - Carcass weight divided by live-weight times 100. Dress out percentage is the percent of weight left after dress out, compared to the live-weight before dress out.

EARCANKER - An inflamed (swollen) scabby condition of the lower inner ear of rabbits, caused by colonies of rabbit ear-mites.

EAR LACING - A black or dark-colored line of fur outlining the sides and tips of the ear.

ESTRUS CYCLE - The recurring 14 to 16 day cycle when the doe is more apt to conceive.

FALSE or “PSEUDO” PREGNANCY - A 17 day period during which the doe cannot conceive. This may be caused by a sterile mating or by other sexual stimulation.

FINISH - Desired condition of flesh and/or coat for market or show rabbits.

FLABBY -The condition of a rabbit when the flesh or fur hangs loosely on the animal by its own weight - not trim and shapely.

FLANK - The sides of the rabbit between the ribs and hips, above the belly.

FOOT - The final part of the leg, including the toes.

FOREHEAD -The front part of the head between the eyes and base of ears.

FOREIGN COLOR - As applied to rabbits, any color fur, eyes, or nails differing from the prescribed standard of perfection for the breed and variety in question.

FOSTERING - Use of a Doe, other than the dam to nurse the young.

GESTATION - Period to time (28-32 days) from mating of the Doe to kindling.

GLOSSY - The reflected luster of brightness from naturally healthy normal fur in rabbits.

GUARD HAIRS - The longer, stiffer hairs in the pelage or fur of a rabbit easily noted upon blowing into the fur. Usually of different color than the under wool, except in self breeds.

HERD - Term used to describe a large assembly of rabbits.

HEREDITY - Characteristics inherited from ancestors.

HINDQUARTERS. The after portion or posterior section of the body, composed of loins, hips hind legs, and rump.

HIP - The thigh joint and large muscular first joint of the hind leg.

HOCK - The bottom of the foot.

HUMP BACK - As applied to type - having a hump or protuberance on the back marring a gracefully arched outline.

HYBRID - The offspring of parents of different breeds, varieties, species, or genera.

INBREEDING - Mating closely-related animals (brother to sister)

INNER EAR - The concave portion of the ear.

KINDLE - To give birth to young rabbits.

KNEE - the second joint of the leg, connecting the thigh and leg.

KNOCK-KNEED - See spraddled.

LACTATION -The secretion and yielding of milk by the mammary glands.

LITTER - A doe’s offspring.

LOIN - That portion of the back on either side between the hips and saddle.

LOPPED EAR - Pendulous; not carried erect; falling to the side or front.

LUSTER - Brightness and brilliance of fur.

MALOCCLUSION - A deviation from the proper closing or meeting of the teeth.

MANDOLIN - As applied to type, having the appearance of the body of a mandolin laid face down,

back and saddle arching toward the loin to make noticeably large and broad hindquarters.

MASSIVE - As applied to type, bulky and heavy, ponderous, large, and compact.

MATTED - Small or large tangled or knotted bunches of fur.(as seen on Angora type wool)

MEALY - Having the appearance of being powdered or sprinkled with meal. (Flecked)

MEATY - The quality of having a good proportion of meat to bone, size and type of the rabbit; a

noticeable meatiness (full and firm) at the forequarters, back, saddle, loin, and hindquarters.

MOLT  - The act or process of shedding, or changing the fur, usually three times yearly. The baby or nest fur is moulted at 2 months, and the first natural coat of fur is fully developed at 4 to 6 months.

MUZZLE - The projecting portion of the head surrounding the mouth , nose, and lower jaw.

NECK - The part of the animal connecting the head and body.

NOSTRILS - The two openings of the nose leading into the head.

OFF-COLORED - Applied to several hairs or patches of fur foreign to the standard color of the
animal. Having a lighter or darker shade of the desired color described in the standard of perfection.

PAIR -A male and female rabbit of one variety.

PALPATE - To feel for developing young in the uterus through the abdominal wall.

PARASITES - Internal (tapeworms, etc.) Or external (mites, etc.) Organisms which live in or on the host rabbit, at whose expense it obtains food, shelter, etc.

PATCHES - a small section of colored fur, foreign to the color standard of the animal such as white spots on the fur of Black Satins.

PAUNCH - The prominent portion of the abdomen.

PELAGE - The fur coat or covering of an animal, as in rabbits.

PEPPER and SALT - A flat, unattractive appearance of black and white ticking, as in chinchillas. Caused by lack of contrast and waviness, and in ticking and weakness of color in the tips of guard hairs.

PINCHED - When viewed from above the hindquarter form a broad “V” where they should be rounded.

POOR COAT - Fur not in good condition through moulting, rust or ill-health of the animal. Also caused by inattention to grooming.

POSING - Placing the rabbit in its most advantageous posture for show.

POT BELLY - A distended condition of the stomach and intestines caused by improper food, usually found in young rabbits.

PUREBRED - A recognized breed kept pure for generations.

RACY - As applied to type - slim, trim, alert, and active. Slender in body and legs. Harelike.

RANDOM MATING - Mating within a selected group with no attention paid to a definite mating system.

RECESSIVE - Referring to genes or characteristics of one parent (wooly, yellow fat, etc.) That when transmitted to offspring is concealed by the dominant characteristics (genes) of the other parent.

REGISTRATION -the official recording of a rabbit that has been approved by a licenced registrar.

RIBS - The curved portion of the sides immediately back of the shoulders above the belly.

ROUGHAGE - Hay, grass, etc.

RUMP - The hind portion of the back and backbone.

RUST - A reddish-brown coloration of fur, usually appearing on the sides, flanks or feet of rabbits having the appearance of iron rust and being foreign to the standard color. Rust usually appears in colored varieties may be caused by fading through over-exposure to sunlight or dead hairs about to molt.

SADDLE - The rounded, intermediate portion of the back between shoulder and loin.

SELF or SELF-COLORED - animals that have the same colored fur over the entire head, legs, and body and tail. Solid-colored.

SEXING - Determining the sex of a rabbit.

SHEEN - As applied to Satin fur only. The luster of brightness given to Satin fur as light passes through the Satin guard hairs. Absence of sheen in a Satin is a disqualification.

SHOULDER - the uppermost joint of the foreleg, connecting it with the body.

SLOBBERS - Indigestion or gastritis, usually found in young rabbits, caused by improper feeding. Indicated by drooling mouth and wet fur on lower jaw and forelegs. Not contagious.

SNIPEY - As applied to head - Narrow and elongated, with an appearance of undue leanness.

SNUFFLES - A virulent contagious infection of the nasal passage and respiratory organs, usually terminating in chronic illness. Indicated by fever, heavy breathing, sneezing, and discharge of thick creamy nasal pus from nostrils.

SOLID COLOR (SELF COLOR) - The same color uniformity over the entire animal.

SORE HOCKS - An ulcerated condition of the foot-pads or soles of either front or hind feet of the rabbit.

SPRADDLED - As applied to forefeet. Bowed outwardly when viewed from the front; knockkneed. As applied to hind-feet-not set parallel with the body; turned outwardly from the hock-joint.

SQUATTY - As applied to forefeet. Not straight in bone, broken down or bowed inwardly.

STANDARD - The characteristics for a breed of rabbits as set up and approved by a registering organization.

STATION - Ideal manner of standing or carriage in conformity with standard position or pose.

STOCKY - compact, stout, and cobby.

STRAIN - Rabbits in any standard breed of the same family blood having the quality of reproducing marked characteristics.

STRINGY - The quality of having ropy or sinewy flesh - noticeably in the larger breed of rabbits if not properly fattened for market.

SWAY-BACK - As applied to type. Having a distinct fall or scoop in that portion of the back between the shoulder and hindquarter, as distinguished from gradually arching back.

SYMMETRY - As applied to types of rabbits - The quality possessing a harmonious proportion of head, ears, legs, and body structure conforming to the standard type of breed represented.

TAIL CARRIAGE - The way in which a rabbit carried the tail. Pool tail carriage is denoted in the tail being carried to one side or the other instead of correctly.

TATTOO - To make a permanent identification mark in the ear of a rabbit through use of a perforating instrument and rubbing India ink into the perforation.

TICKING - A waxy distribution of guard hairs throughout the fur of a color distinct from the underwool or body fur. Such ticking is usually produced by black-tipped guard hairs, as in Chinchillas, Flemish Giants, and Belgian Hares which add greatly to the beauty of the fur. It may occur in other colors, such as blue ticking in Blue Squirrels or black-tipped fawn hairs in New Zealand Reds.

TUCKED-UP - As applied to type, the trim appearance of a Belgian Hare, with long rounded body and breast and belly gathered in closely to form an arch when the animal is in a sitting position.

TYPICAL -Serving as an ideal representation of any given breed or variety as applied to type, color or fur quality.

UNDER-CUT - As applied to the hindquarters. When the hand is run over the hindquarters and down to the tail, if the hand goes in under the hindquarter to the tail and not straight down then it is under-cut.

UNDER-COAT - The shorter, softer body fur in the pelage of the rabbit, readily distinguished from the longer guard hairs. It should be thick as described in the standard.

VARIETY - As applied to rabbit - A different or another color in a breed.

VENT DISEASES - Venereal diseases in rabbits of both sexes. Indicated by scabby, reddened, male or female organs, usually exuding pus.

WALL EYES (MOON EYES) - Having a milky film over the cornea or appearance similar to a moonstone.

WOLF TEETH - Protruding or elongated teeth in either the upper or lower jaw (or both) caused by breakage of the teeth opposite.

WRY-TAIL- Abnormally bent, curled or twisted permanently to one side; a corkscrew tail with one or more turns. (Screw tail)


  from: N.S. 4-H Rabbit Leader Resource Guide